Wednesday, February 22, 2012

30 Videos in 30 Days - Wow!

Hey guys!
As I've mentioned before, Ben and I are in the middle of completing a 30 videos in 30 days challenge. Today we completed day 20.
For those of you who are following us, I thought I'd take this opportunity to post the Youtube link to each of the videos we've made so far so you can keep up to date.

Daily Vog # 1 - Fart Bomb Explodes In Car -

Daily Vlog # 2 - The Tree With High Self Esteem -Slle

Daly Vlog # 3 - Sleeping Bag Magician Fail -

Daily Vlog # 4 - The World's Noisiest Vacuum Cleaner -

Daily Vlog # 5 - Our Favourite Milkshake -

Daily Vlog # 6 - Man Supplies -

Daily Vlog # 7 - My Three Numbers -

Daily Vlog # 8 - Avocado Exfoliation -

Daily Vlog # 9 - The 'V'ery Large Coin Collection -

Daily Vlog # 10 - We're Almost There! -

Daily Vlog # 11 - So Hot Right Now -

Daily Vlog # 12 - Worst Valentine's Day For A Single Guy Ever -

Daily Vlog # 13 - The Beat Of My House -

Daily Vlog # 14 - 19" Zildjian A Custom Wake Up Call -

Dialy Vlog # 15 - Jam For Breakfast. And Lunch -

Daily Vlog # 16 - On Ya Bike -

Daily Vlog # 17 - First Ever Footage -

Daily Vlog # 18 - Guy Keeps Ball Hit For Six At New Zealand v South Africa Twenty20 Cricket Game -

Daily Vlog # 19 - Rain Skating -

Daily Vlog # 20 - Silly Guy Eats Fish Eye -

Well, that's about all for now guys! Hope you enjoy the videos, thanks so much for watching - we're having so much fun making this epic series.
Stay tuned in for the next ten days!

For our YouTube channel, click HERE
For our Facebook page, click HERE                                   
For our Twitter, click HERE

Talk to meh, I'd love to hear from you!
Until next time, bye for now, love you all!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Exciting News!

Hello again for today guys! 
If you don't already know - on our YouTube channel we are currently in the middle of a 30 day vlog a day vlog challenge.
Today we just got done posting the ninth video in the series called The 'V'ery Large Coin Collection (watch it here
I might post the links to all nine vlogs so far at the end of this entry but for now we have some pretty sweet news! 
Currently in the pipeline as we complete the vlog challenge we are preparing another project as well - one which we announced for the first time in our vlog today.
On the day we uploaded our first daily vlog, Ben shaved and each day since then Ben has been taking two pictures - one in the morning and one at night of his face and documenting his beard grow.
The aim is going to be to put all 60 beard photos that he will have at the end of the 30 days together in one video and let you watch a month of Ben's Beard growth in about a minute.
We reckon the finished product will look pretty awesome and we can't wait for you see it! 
Well, that will do it for now - until next time stay cool :)
Oh, and as promised here are the links to all nine of our daily vlogs so far. If you feel like it, we'd love it if you subscribed to our YouTube channel so you can follow along in our vlog journey with us. Your comments, ratings and thumbs up are always really appreciated too!!

Vlog #1 - Fart Bomb Explodes In Car -

Vlog # 2 - The Tree With High Self Esteem -

Vlog # 3 - Sleeping Bag Magician Fail -

Vlog # 4 - The World's Noisiest Vacuum Cleaner -  

Vlog # 5 - Our Favourite Milkshake -

Vlog # 6 - Man Supplies -

Vlog # 7 - My Three Numbers -

Vlog # 8 - Avocado Exfoliation -

Vlog # 9 -  The 'Very' Large Coin Collection -

And don't worry guys, there's still 21 more videos to come! Oh and be sure to keep your eye out for the Ben's Beard Video in the near future!

For our YouTube channel, click HERE
For our Facebook page, click HERE                                   
For our Twitter, click HERE

Talk to meh, I'd love to hear from you!
Until next time, bye for now, love you all!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Jay's 30 Day Video a Day Vlog Challenge

Hey guys!
Sorry I've been quiet for a while, so, um, I've been challenged to undertake a 30 day vlog challenge where I film a Youtube video every day for 30 days. That's been keeping me pretty busy, but I thought I'd fill you in.
It's a pretty big undertaking, but hey, I'm determined to finish what we started - I have now idea what will happen really or what it will lead to in the future, but hey, if we never try we'll never know ;)
So far, we're up to day seven - this is the first one - 
We'd love you to check out the rest!!
We'd love to hear what you think.

For our YouTube channel, click HERE
For our Facebook page, click HERE                                   
For our Twitter, click HERE

Talk to meh, I'd love to hear from you!
Until next time, bye for now, love you all!