Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Jay's 30 Day Video a Day Vlog Challenge

Hey guys!
Sorry I've been quiet for a while, so, um, I've been challenged to undertake a 30 day vlog challenge where I film a Youtube video every day for 30 days. That's been keeping me pretty busy, but I thought I'd fill you in.
It's a pretty big undertaking, but hey, I'm determined to finish what we started - I have now idea what will happen really or what it will lead to in the future, but hey, if we never try we'll never know ;)
So far, we're up to day seven - this is the first one - 
We'd love you to check out the rest!!
We'd love to hear what you think.

For our YouTube channel, click HERE
For our Facebook page, click HERE                                   
For our Twitter, click HERE

Talk to meh, I'd love to hear from you!
Until next time, bye for now, love you all!

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