Monday, January 16, 2012

Chase Your Dreams... Not Your Tail!

Hi guys!    
Thanks for taking the time to read my blog! I really appreciate it. Since yesterday a good point has been raised.
In yesterday’s blog I referred to reverse psychology and how if I told you not to read the blog it would make you want to read it. There was just one problem – I put that at the bottom of the blog!!
And that of course means you would have already read the blog in order to get to the part where I told you not to read the blog in order to make you want to read the blog.
Hindsight is a beautiful thingJ
Today I went to a school holiday programme and took photos of children playing sports. But don’t worry, before you contact the the complaints department about me photographing children, let me clarify.
I am a journalist and it’s my job to go to various places and events and interview/photograph them and today it was a school holiday programme with sports like badminton, golf and even rock climbing.
I also took photos of lots of other things today - like a seal shaped potato. (But that's a whole other story and I'll post the pic for you when I can).
It was actually a fantastic day and in all seriousness, I love the fact that my job lets me go out and meet heaps of people who have fantastic stories to tell and then report them in my awesome home town.
One day soon, I will tell you my favourite stories I've reported - there have been some great ones.
Man, I love my life - go for gold guys!!
There's no telling how far you'll have to run while chasing your dreams and when people tell you it can't be done, do it!
Chase your dreams, not your tail! Blaze a trail, be an entrepreneur.
The best definition I've ever heard along these lines is a quote by Stevenson which says "Entrepreneurship... the pursuit of opportunity without regard to resources currently controlled."
Do it!
Until tomorrow, I better go get some shut eye, I may be out of my teens but I still sleep for 17 hours a night haha. 

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Talk to meh, I'd love to hear from you!
Until next time, bye for now, love you all!


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