Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Nothing In Particular

Today I’m going to do nothing – literally.
And that’s the topic of today’s blog – nothing.
Nothing is something I always get accused of doing and sometimes I kind of agree that I’m guilty.
Although, it could also depend on your definition of nothing. 
"Nothing in particular" is a popular response when people ask us what we've been up to and we've had a particularly slow day.
But today I'm actually giving you the chance to read 'Nothing In Particular' - That's what I'll call this blog.
Here’s how I define nothing in my life.
Nothing is pretty much what I got when I sat a maths exam of any description at school.
And not just while sitting an exam, whenever I was in a maths class of any kind I understood nothing of what we were supposed to be learning either.
Nothing is what I have left 10 minutes after buying chocolate biscuits of any description.
I once brought a packet of white chocolate Muffin Bakes and 10 minutes later, I had nothing to show for it.
When I was younger nothing is what I often what I did whenever my parents asked me to do s anything.
I don’t have one now but in the past I’ve had jobs where nothing was what I got paid ;)
But, don't get me wrong, in some cases, I see nothing as okay. 
Say for example if it’s a job you know you really want, you should be prepared to put in the hard yards to get it.
Once for me there was this was a job I really wanted – so, for a period of time I worked there for free and did the best I could for my employer.
I just considered myself so lucky to be working there, so no matter what tasks I had to do, I did it with a happy heart.
So, in that case nothing was what was going to get in the way of me doing a good job.
Remember, chase your dreams, because nothing is what you'll also get if you don't at least try :)
And this is a rare case in which because you read this blog - when someone asks you what did you do today - you can say "Nothing In Particular".

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Talk to meh, I'd love to hear from you!
Until next time, bye for now, love you all!


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